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We help our THoMers realize their full potential through a 360° talent development approach that aims at growing talent, leveraging strengths and achieving goals

Our talent development culture is supported
by 5 guiding principles

Never walk alone


Never walk alone

THoMers can count on a strong support system: a personal counselor and mentor, a client manager, human capital and office management  they're all there for them.

Feedback culture


Feedback to move forward

THoMers are eager to grow, both professionally and personally. They give, receive and request both positive and constructive feedback continously, in all directions.

Coaching mindset


Coaching Mindset


THoMers embrace the coaching mindset. They're fully present, listen attentively and dare to ask powerful questions, which in turn lead to meaningful conversations.

(Self) leadership


Self leadership

THoMers are pro-active and take matters into their own hands. They know where they're headed, are self-aware and see their development as a learning opportunity.

Collaborative mindset


Collaborative mindset


THoMers possess a collaborative and helping mindset, which encourages them to always think win-win, create synergies and share knowledge with their peers.

It's about following your own track

I move forward,

I have impact,

I'm not alone,

I seek & give feedback,

I evolve,

I focus,

I engage,

I'm following my own track.


Talent Development Platform Track

Are you ready to follow your own track?





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